The best blog in the world.............EVER!!!

This blog will have stories from Jessica's life, wedding advice, recipes, and MORE!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

My friend are cool too!

Some of my friends have blogs, and they are very funny. If you want to read them click on my "links" section.
I would like to take this opportunity to recommend to my blogless friends to get one, because I enjoy reading friends' blogs while procrastinating and wasting time that I don't have.

I thought today would suck, but it didn't

I thought I'd spend most of my day in a haze of confusion over my stats lab, but as it turns out it was relatively simple. I also thought I'd spend most of the day hungry, but James brought me lunch. Today was a happy day after all. yay!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

An observation

There are some conveniences to living in a populated area, for example you can get pizza delivered to your home, non-dial up internet and date outside the family (just kidding on the last one, never had that problem before).
But here is one inconvenience. It is that time in the morning when you are fresh from the shower trying to decide what to wear and you can't tell what the temperature is just by looking outside. You can not go outside to check the temperature because now you have neighbors, and they will see you naked, and you should be embarrassed by that. Your only options are now; dressing intuitively and hope you are correct (could by very inconvenient), turn on your computer to find out the weather, but that makes you feel like a silly robot from the future, or dress in layers and hope it doesn't make you look fat.
There it is, if you have to face the world, you better be ready to compromise. But never compromise yourself. Or your ideals.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Think twice before buying a Tokay gecko

I would like to share with you some wisdom I've gained from my own mistakes.
Never pick out a new pet ten minutes before the O.C. is starting, you will rush through the process and not make good decisions.
Now I love my little gecko Bit bit. She is beautiful, smart, funny and a terrific huntress of all things orthoptera. But I really wanted a nice pet I could hold, cuddle and maybe put on a reptile leash and show off to my friends. But my Bit bit is not that, she bites, won't ever stop biting and she roars at me (like a little dinosaur, it might be kind of cute if she wasn't simultaneously trying to bite me while giving me the look of death). So now, too little too late, I read on the internet that Tokay geckos, the kind of gecko I own, are very mean geckos. So as the title of this blog goes, think twice before buying a Today gecko!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


I am just learning how to play golf and you should too! Here's why (!)-when you hit with your titanium clubs in sand, sparks come flying up!! It will make you feel so powerful and awesome. Trust me, I know.

Monday, September 12, 2005

I am a dorky salt loving smurf

I really like things to match, as in a little too much. I'm pretty sure that it is both innate and learned behavior, but I won't bore you with those particular stories. I will bore you with other stories. Anyways despite being warned by my friends, OK by friends I mean Dawn Q who told me one day I couldn't go out "looking like a big banana" just because I had paired yellow pants with a yellow shirt (on a side note try typing banana while singing Hollaback girl by Gwen Stefani,you know which part to sing, it's surprisingly hard!). I should have listened, but didn't, just like this morning when the voice inside my head told me I was wearing too much blue and once again I didn't listen. So I left the house with blue sandals, blue shorts, a blue shirt, blue headband, blue necklace, blue earrings and a blue bracelet. I'm pretty sure a higher power tried to warn me because when I put on the blue headband a blue earring flew off of my ear and directly into the drain. A pretty clear sign, but I was blind. Evrybody probably thought I looked like a smurf!So dressed like a dork is it any surprise that I was the only one in my class taking notes during a video? Is it any surprise that I started reading a book about salt, no not a school book, a book for entertainment purposes and am enjoying it. Salt is so cool!
If you thought my story had a point or moral, it doesn't, so there.

Friday, September 02, 2005

There are other farrgghhorrs out there?

Here is a story:
About two and a half years ago I decided to get my first non-school email account. With the help of my friend Sean who knows stuff about computers I set up my very own yahoo account. As anyone who has set up a yahoo account knows, pretty much any name you might actually want is taken, so with a little ingenuity I came up with my yahoo account name, farrgghhorr. It is part nickname (Fargo) part last name (Orr) and part pirate joke (arrgghh!), it would be perfect except I learned later when you sound it out it is part whore.
As a side note, yes I know I have just given out my email account to any creepy web stalkers out there, but I chose NOT to live in fear
All my friends hate my email address because it is long, hard to remember and has whore in it. Well I've got news for all you farrgghhorr haters, there are more of us out there! That right, five minutes ago when I was signing up for my blog I tried using farrgghhorr as my "sign in name" and that name was already taken!! So farrgghhorr is not strange, ha ha ha.
And for my doppelganger out there, I'm sure fate will have us meet someday.