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Wednesday, September 21, 2005

An observation

There are some conveniences to living in a populated area, for example you can get pizza delivered to your home, non-dial up internet and date outside the family (just kidding on the last one, never had that problem before).
But here is one inconvenience. It is that time in the morning when you are fresh from the shower trying to decide what to wear and you can't tell what the temperature is just by looking outside. You can not go outside to check the temperature because now you have neighbors, and they will see you naked, and you should be embarrassed by that. Your only options are now; dressing intuitively and hope you are correct (could by very inconvenient), turn on your computer to find out the weather, but that makes you feel like a silly robot from the future, or dress in layers and hope it doesn't make you look fat.
There it is, if you have to face the world, you better be ready to compromise. But never compromise yourself. Or your ideals.


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