The best blog in the world.............EVER!!!

This blog will have stories from Jessica's life, wedding advice, recipes, and MORE!

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

What to keep after the wedding

Two months post wedding, two weeks pre garage sale and some questions are coming up! What to keep and what not to keep. I need some advice!
I know for sure I want to keep my jewelry, guest book and cake topper, but after that, I am not sure. Here are the two trickiest, wedding dress and unity candles.
The unity candles are now in bad shape, the tops are black from being lit for so long, and the crystals are peeling off. It would be logically to just trash them, but it feels so wrong! Like we will instantly be cursed or something. FYI, they aren't blessed by the church or anything, so that is not a problem.
The dress is tricky because I know I will never wear it again, it is expensive to get it preserved, and I don't have limitless closet space. Seems pretty clear, sale it or give it to someone else to wear. The problem is I imagine someday having a daughter and she wants to wear my gown and I have to confess I sold it at a garage sale. But really what are the chances of that happening? I have to have a daughter (which I hope there is a very good chance of that) she will have to be pretty close to my size (maybe 50/50 with genetics) my dress will still have to be instyle (not going to guess a percent) and she will have to actually want to wear it!
Do you know anyone that has worn there mother's dress?? I have never actually met anyone that wore their mother's dress. My mom claims that she wanted to wear her mother's dress, but my grandma gave it to a cousin to wear (and yes my mom really wants me to keep my dress). On a side note, I asked Matt what we should keep, and he said very matter of fact, "why keep anything, we have pictures", men are so funny.
Okay any insight from married couples or anyone? What did you keep and why? Is there anything you regretted keeping or vice versa?

Sunday, August 09, 2009

So, about my last blog.....

I've been reading Julie and Julia, which is about a woman who cooks and blogs, which inspired to start back up at old fashioned non-micro blogging. Okay so far so good, but I wasn't quite inspired enough to do it, until I went to a barbecue Saturday night and had several beers and some jello shots.
Okay, that is good enough, except now I have to correct some spelling from Saturday's blog post, so if you are wondering what ruggles are, well they are ruffles, and the maoron dress is a maroon dress.
Oh, and I forgot to end my blog with some advice, I always try to do this so the pointless drivel I write about has a point or some sort of moral. The last part is that I got really insanely hungry during my shopping trip so I bought some candy at TJ Maxx, and my advice is not to eat Turkish delights in your car, you will get powdered sugar all over yourself and your car! Plus Turkish delights are really gross (I already knew they were gross but I thought maybe ginger flavored turkish delights would be better, but no, they are not)!
So, here is the bad part about living in Bismarck, ND (well, besides the winters), the subpar shopping!
Sadly, despite being the mecca of shopping in Western ND, it still sucks! There is only, TJ Maxx, Target, Old Navy, Kohl's, Herbergers, JC Penney, Maurices, A Eagle and that is about it!
I know I shouldn't complain, it is better than the majority of cities in ND, but still, uggghh!
So Friday, I was bored and decided to spend my time shopping, big mistake! First I went to Old Navy, excited about fall clothes, well nope, it was all super boring! The same suede moccasins I bought last fall, for sale again, but with bows! The crew neck sweaters I bought last spring, the same but instead of butterflies or dragonflies on the pocket, there were bows, so boring! Come up with something new already. There were also vest and ruggles, wow haven't seen that since 2004!
So, I decided to buy some red chinos because they were on sale for $8, and after my experiment with maroon chinos earlier in the year this seemes like a great idea, but no! I was thwarted by the line. There were approximately six people in Old Navy on Friday at 6 PM, but of course they were all in line! Of couse the person in front of me wanted to sign up for a credit card, why? to ruin your credit to save 10%??? So another cashier opened a line, so instead of announcing loudly, "whoever is next" she just silently opened up the till and someone who snuck up behind me ran, yes literally ran to her line, so not too bad, she budged but I could go next in a few minutes, hmm, but guess what happened, she decided to open a credit card too, really really!!?? you budge in front of me, the person with only one pair of pants to buy, with your four items and then open up a credite card, so I started to get pissed!! then I am standing between the two tills waiting for the next one to open, and someone come up behind me asking if I was standing in line, and I said "yes, or at least I thought I was" trying to make a snide remark toward the person who budged, but I guess she took it in the wrong way and budged in front of me with about ten items of clothing , arrgghh so pissed!
So went to TJ Maxx, went much better as far as things found in the store, unfortunately when I got into the line there were two women in front of me that bought, literally, LITERALLY 100 mens shirts a piece, I am pretty sure they were buying the stuff to sell on ebay,because even if they were from SW ND or MT, they could get to a store more than once a decade. To make matters worse, once I was finally through the line and had all my purchases, I looked into my cart and saw a bunch of old used kleenexes, gross, some random person's snot was with all my stuff including the dresses I just bought, grody!!! And they final bullet, I bought two dresses in preparation my brother in law's wedding. Got home asked the color of the wedding, it is red, I bought a maoron dress, and a blue dress, so I can either clash terribly or make the family pictues red, white and blue, woo hoo!

Monday, January 22, 2007


Picked the wrong guy
Gave him the wrong finger
Thanks for your support

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Foiled once again!

At school all day, making boring excel sheets, wearing blister producing shoes, can't wait to get home, take shoes off and drink a cold Dr. Pepper to relieve headache and give energy. (I decided to ignore rules of grammar in this post, sorry!). But, no I do not have my key! So I look on the bright side, "hey I received a magazine in the mail, I will sit on my chair outside and read my magazine and wait for James", la dee da everything is so wonderful. But no, there is a huge black widow spider in my chair!! Fast forward to me running errands with no caffeine in horrid shoes.

Monday, August 14, 2006

My redneck weekend

Went to the fair, ate funnel cake and watched the demolition derby. It rocked.
Next night went to the Lynyrd Skynyrd concert, it really rocked.

It's only Monday and I can't wait until the weekend again.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Skinny

Back-to Back blogs, good job Jessica!

Now that I'm 25 I'm not necessarily young anymore (not necessarily old either, I know). This does have some benefits besides confidence and wisdom, etc. For example, if someone says I look to young, to be getting married, teaching labs etc., I can tell them smugly "well I am twenty-five". I digress, I really want to talk about fashion! Especially after my weekly dose of Project Runway.
As I get older, I know I don't have to follow every trend. After all, a few years back I totally averted the whole poncho scene, didn't buy a one. In the same way I have been trying to avoid "skinny" pants, ever since GAP unsuccessfully tried to reintroduce them like four years ago with their old name of tapered. However in the last year or so it has become increasingly obvious that this trend is here to stay. First the runways, and now all the Hilarys and Lindsays. But, I stayed strong, I knew tapered brings focus to the thighs! I mean, I didn't see any of the "curvier" celebrities wearing them. I even read an InStyle article, that said if you are afraid of the skinny jeans you're probably right.
But when my catalogues and magazines came and said, said "flares are out! Almost all of the jeans we photograph/sell are skinnies", I knew I had to at least try on a pair.
So today I went boldly to Old Navy and tried on a pair, and surprise surprise, they actually looked nice. Of course, I haven't tested them out in public, but I am pretty confident, besides none of my friends would actually tell me if they didn't like them. Except maybe Dawn, she did afterall forbid me to go out in yellow top and bottom, telling me that I looked like a banana, but she's in Boston. My mom would would tell me too, but she still wears tapered pants, so I'm not sure her opinion is unbiased.
So moral of the story ladies, you are never too old to try new things! Just remember if that is skinny jeans stick with a dark wash and no whiskering or embellishments on the thighs!

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Don't drive in Cookeville tomorrow night!

While apartment hunting, I came across this disturbing headline in the herlad citizen:
Magician to drive blind down Interstate Drive[rkey=0040900+[cr=gdn
The article explains that not only is the magician driving blindfold down interstate drive, he is also going to Jefferson, taking a left at market square and continuing onto Willow and finishing on interstate drive. For those of you not familiar with Cookeville, he'll go for miles on all of the busiest streets! Thumbs up to whoever okayed this one.
I would not recommend driving anywhere on the South side of Cookeville from 6 to 7:30 PM on Friday, unless you want to be held up in traffic or hit by a blindfolded magician (I will resist the joke about being "blind"sided).
In my effort at fairness, I will note that the drive is to benefit multiple sclerosis, and he will be escorted by the sheriff's department (so maybe he will run into the sheriff car instead of citizens).