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Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Lost in the corn

Last weekend in North Dakota, my friends and I were gorging ourselves on some home cooking when we decided to go through the "haunted corn maze" before hitting the bars. (That last sentence is a really good example of a run-on sentence)
While walking through the corn maze I got the bejeezus (is that how you spell bejeezus, maybe it is really bejesus? and what does it mean?) scared out of me approximately 5 times. We took every wrong turn before we got on the incredibly long but correct path, by the end I realized I had spent the whole first part of the day walking through "corn mazes" while pheasant hunting, and now I just wanted to go to the bar (aka start drinking). We finally reached, the end, hallelujah!
But, wait, bad news, where is my cell phone? It was in my pocket, but I jumped up 5 feet in the air everytime something jumped out from the corn. Worse yet, it is on vibrate, crap crap crappity crap. How will I ever find such a little thing in 20 acres of corn? arrggghhh. I will never get to start drinking!
We call the phone anyways, and luckily one of the goblins found it and gave it back to us. Who knew goblins were so nice?
So the moral of the story is to make sure you put your valuables in a zippered pocket when you go through a haunted corn maze, especially if you have something important to do afterwards!


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